Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince Ign Review

Harry Potter and the Half-Claret Prince Review

Who allow Muggles develop a game well-nigh wizards?

If I ever have an Unbreakable Vow and accept to kill somebody, I'll give them a handheld version of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. If they don't die of boredom they'll Avada Kedavra themselves.
The handheld versions of the game are adventure titles. Harry explores nearly all of Hogwarts, running effectually the halls and staircases that make up the school. The games are nearly identical in terms of gameplay. The DS one went for a cel-shaded expect to the grapheme models, while the PSP i fully rendered theirs. Neither looks specially great, but the school is pretty well done. Some random things similar none of the staircases moving make it feel kind of static and non magical, though.

Equally an chance game, you'd retrieve Half-Blood Prince would exist very story driven. At that place was a reason JK Rowling didn't write out every detail of Harry and gang's day to day lives: school is deadening. However, 90 percent of this game seems to take place in the unspoken sections of the book. Nearly every major plot bespeak happens via a cutscene. Unfortunately by cutscene I mean shot of every grapheme standing all the same like a mannequin while you get to read word bubbles. I empathise that the just people playing this game are likely to be fans of the book and movie. That said, the plot is incomprehensible. The game comes out weeks before the film, so it's likely people will be playing it before they get see the moving picture. And this story is good too. Horcuxes, curses, memory flashbacks, insight into Voldemort'due south by, some cool battles. All of that is lost.

Hey remember that part in the book where Harry ran all over school, finding Luna'south shoes? Or when he had to play a game of marbles so that he could give them to that Hufflepuff girl? No? Oh that'southward right, because stupid stuff similar that didn't happen.

Sorry to geek out on you Muggles, but this is Harry flipping Potter, hither! The Nighttime Lord returns and is trying to kill him, the prophesied savior of the magic realm, and the video game version of his story is a string of meaningless fetch quests? The developers could have at least given me an option non to take these inane quests. Possibly right under the "Swap Items" button there could have been ane that said, "I'm the Male child who Lived yous tool, I don't take time for this!"

That'due south super interesting Fay, but I have a Nighttime Lord to defeat.

What is fifty-fifty more than baffling is how big of a step backward this game is. Granted the previous Harry Potter game was a series of chores, but you were at least doing things. You used spells to fix objects and extinguish fires. The only thing Harry ever seems to use spells for is collecting trading cards and butterbeer.

The mini-games are in there solely to collect items needed for all the fetch quests. Oh, and about of them are actually non magical. Gobstones is marbles only… no it'southward just marbles. Not magic marbles or annihilation. Exploding snap is a basic card matching memory game, simply the cards flip around a lot, because they're enchanted.

The but spells Harry seems to know are ones to observe random junk people come across to be losing all over the school. Players employ spells to collect the fetch quest items out of bushes, bookcases, spider webs, suits of armor and other objects around the school. Harry can cast spells, past swiping on the touch on screen with the DS or flicking the analog nub on the PSP. So nigh halfway through the game, the mini-games go useless. Information technology's faster, easier, and honestly near as much fun to just run betwixt rooms collecting the items you need than to have to sit through a game of Skittles (which is like pinball, but without bumpers, or being fun).

Dueling and Quidditch are the two mini-games that don't link to particular collection, and are as well occasionally required. Dueling pits players in a in a one on one magic battle. Players select from either a straight attack or a high arcing set on, and tin can too reflect incoming attacks. It'due south basic and very like shooting fish in a barrel, only at to the lowest degree comes with the amuse of zapping well known Hogwarts students until they pass out.

Quidditch plays similar an overhead 16-flake ice hockey game crossed with bumper cars. The three Chasers fly around, ramming into each other to steal the Quaffle. Information technology'south a tactile cacophony, with every person on screen flight in all different direction, bumping into each other like blind bulls on roller-skates. Plus none of it matter considering you're only playing as the Chasers until the time counts downwardly and the snitch is released. In the DS version the game actually has the player grab the snitch on the bear upon screen, whereas the PSP one just ends the game when you've found it and kept the crosshairs pointed on it. Fifty-fifty with me not fifty-fifty bothering to play, the opponent still couldn't manage to rack upwards near enough goals to annul the 150 points earned by catching the snitch. I suppose this is more of a complaint about how stupid the rules of Quidditch are, but the game version sucks too.

And despite what the back of the game case implies, Half-Blood Prince is pretty linear. Sure the game gives you a few quests at once, and y'all can do any of them in whatsoever order. But it'southward ordinarily just parts of one quest. Observe these three ingredients. Find these 3 items of wearable. You merely trudge along, doing meaningless tasks until the game makes you make a potion, play Quidditch or duel.

Reviewers like to say that bad licensed games are for hardcore fans simply, merely that'southward a load of crap. Fans should be pissed about this game. I tried to remember of the positive parts of the One-half-Blood Prince, so I could write a balanced review, and all I could come up with was the fact that I like Harry Potter (non like that, shut up). When the only positive part of your game is that it has a trademark attached to it, then you've made a bad game. It'due south not that Harry Potter is broken, it's that EA has managed to take a world brimming with magic and turn it into the nigh tedious, mundane game possible.

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Review


Nintendo DS PlayStation Portable


Source: https://www.ign.com/articles/2009/06/30/harry-potter-and-the-half-blood-prince-review-4

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